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How To Improve Your ECommerce SEO Without Link Building?

Link Building is challenging and when it comes to link building for an e-commerce site, it is even harder. The reason being, your website is going to compete with thousands of other websites with huge budgets and resources.

Well, to outrank your eCommerce site, it is necessary to get some great links but there are tons of other efforts which are necessary to improve the SEO even with zero link building.

Here, we have listed the top ways to improve your e-commerce SEO in an effective way. Let's have a look!

#1. Optimize Title Tags & Meta Descriptions

  1. Although, has been quite more years when the Google major algorithm updates rolled out, still many websites generate the title tag and meta description which looks no less than keyword stuffing.
  2. Unoptimized title tags and meta description aren't going to attract many users rather, result in dropping the position of the search result because of a poor CTR.
  3. SEO Companies in Houston suggests to optimize the title tag and meta description for people and not algorithms because it's people who will buy from you. Encourage your audience to click on the listing and highlight the key points.

#2. Explore more keyword opportunities

  1. Keyword research is still considered as one of the essential factors of SEO. the more you discover about your competitors and researchers, the better experience you will be able to provide to your users.
  2. Analyze how your customers and prospects are searching for the products that you sell.
  3. You might be focusing on the primary keywords while building your website but make sure you break down it into the categories to get more accurate keywords. For instance, know more about the brand, type of products, stuffing within it, positions and more.
  4. It is relatively easier to acquire ranking for category-wise keywords and more are the chances that you’ll get high conversion rates because of its relevance.

#3. Canonicalize or De-Index Thin Content Pages

  1. Are you sure your e-commerce store doesn't contain any of the “thin” content? Usually, the e-commerce stores depend on the platform you choose and the filters you offer to improve the user experience and enable users to choose the products depending on the price, colour, and other variables.
  2. The easiest way to offer ultimate user experience is to conduct a site audit which looks to establish the number of pages against those indexed pages.
  3. You can use many online tools, such as Screaming Frog to crawl of the website and compare the number of URLs.
  4. One of the Best SEO Companies California believes the canonicalization as the effective approach to resolve the issues or to de-index them using robots.txt files.

#4. Include “Best of’ guide for your top rated products

  1. Consider the quick win opportunities of curating “best of” guides for your top product categories to target consumers at the research-stage of their buying cycle.
  2. Almost every industry niche follow the ‘best of’ guide for their top rated products to help their users making a purchase decision effective,
  3. For instance, if you are dealing with pillows, you can provide your customers with the “best pillow for back pain”. This content category is an essential yet most overlooked strategy. Make sure to include a guide which is both, relevant and timely.
  4. In almost any industry, you’ll find searches for the likes of “the best pillows for back pain” or “the best shoes for long distance running”. These searches are typically made by those considering making a purchase yet so many e-commerce SEOs overlook the importance of working such content into their strategy. It ranks the different products and helps the customer to make effective decisions.
  5. Ensure to cover the products within the guide in detail that it's enough to rank higher in Search Engine Result Pages.

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