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Three Secret Habits of Successful Content Creators

Well, there are many out there who assume that writing is no big deal and anyone with good English can become a content writer overnight. In fact, it is not even seen as something that requires hard work and effort and often professional working in this field are judged on the number of words they can write in a day rather than the quality they can give. Of course, writing is not rocket science and if you have a knack for writing, you can become a successful scribbler with constant practice but there is a certain level of finesse and skills that are important to make your position in this area.

Moreover, it is not also considered a technical job and mostly confined as a creative field which is not completely wrong. However, just like famous pairs, bread and jam, Tom & Jerry, content & marketing are inseparable too. In fact, in today’s digital marketing era, more than 90% of companies use content marketing to promote their brand. That is why be it any Austin SEO firm, it looks for candidates who can create top-notch content while maintaining the required keyword density. But, what does it actually take to become a proficient writer? How can you become the one that top providers of SEO services in Boston would like to hire? These are some common questions that are raised by beginners and aspirants of this field. Today, we have unveiled some secret habits of top content creators that you can adopt in your learning and reach the new heights in your career. Here we go:

Write for readers

There might be numerous topics that cross your mind every day and intrigue you to write about them. But wait, take a moment to think what is the purpose of your content, who are you writing it for. Top writers analyze your target audience, their needs and motive to read your write-up, then start working on their article or blog. Of course, this can restrict the scope and choices of the subject that you can cover but the harsh reality is they are the ones paying for your bills and addressing their demands is your priority. Give them what they want, cater to their needs, solve their problems, answer a debatable question, examine what they are looking for and then create your content.


Everyone has a style of writing and they stick to it through all the contents. However, if you are planning to make a successful career as a writer, then you must know how to change your writing style according to the different audience and readers. Furthermore, it must also vary based on the page that you are writing for and the purpose it will serve to the company that has hired you. Also, know how you can tell your story in a precise yet informative manner that can hook your audience to your content.

Gain knowledge about SEO

Content is a key part of SEO and in order to optimize a website, it is essential to create the content that can bring more traffic to the page. So, if you are planning to apply in a leading Austin SEO firm, you must understand how it works and how your content can play a major role in converting your visitors to paying clients. Learn how to create SEO-friendly titles, descriptions, blogs, and keep pace with the evolving Google algorithm.

There is no denying the fact that you need a flair for writing to become a successful content creator, but that is not all. Best Seo Companies in Boston that provide SEO services look for the applicants who know how to stay ahead of the trend and who can give them positive results. Take your time to develop your skills, learn from experienced and professionals, be ready to learn from your mistake and rest assured that you will witness significant professional growth.  

More info: top 10 seo companies

The Marketing Biology Tags Content as the Brand Backbone. Know how:

The best way to connect with the audience is to understand the fact that no two people are similar in nature, expectation, perception, choice and preference. So, a brand has to be multi talented in approaching the individuals from different walks of life. The blood and flesh of any brand is its content and thus recently organizations are seen to have been contacting the top content marketing agencies to level up for the competition in this marketplace.

When it comes to content, it has to be understood that it is a vast field and is only not limited to ‘content writing’. Thus, through the different forms of content, the top content marketing companies manage to take a brand a step closer to the targeted audience.

There are several benefits which the best content marketing agencies generate for their clients. Let us have a look at them:

Content marketing helps in creating loyalty and trust in between the customers and the brand. This happens because every customer tries to find out more and more about the brand in which s/he is investing in. The more a brand will express about itself and its motives on its website, the better it will get for it to connect strongly with the targeted audience. Tailing on to this, effective content marketing will effortlessly shoot up the visibility of the brand, thus making it more familiar to the audiences. The more the audience will get to know about a brand along with its motives and mission the more lead generation and traffic generation will be there for the brand to experience.

The best content marketing companies understand that it is crucial for a brand to express itself clearly to its targeted audience and this is the reason why the agencies try their level best to open each and every chance of communication with the chosen set of audience. Thus, through different elements of content like audio, video, GIFs, bar graphs, pie charts, quotes, pictures, infographics and more, the motives of a brand could be expressed properly. Whatever content is chosen, it has an universal utility because content too is a form of art and it really does not have any bad or good side to it. It flows freely, educating the customers about the product or service which is very important.

The more aware are the customers about the brand, the better following the brand has on all its social websites. At times what happens is that mere writings or short descriptions are not enough to touch the hearts of the customers, it requires images and videos from the brand’s end to win the audience’s heart. The role of the best content marketing agencies is to understand, analyse and then strategically apply the elements of content on different platforms.

Overall, the brand reputation heightens and eventually it gives everyone associated with the brand a better feeling of being a part of it.

Thus, when you have a brand and you know that you can make the best out of it by just connecting with the best content marketing agencies, then you really shall not delay the process. Hurry up as it is time for you to nourish your brand personality through the hands of the experts.

More info: 10seos

Key Elements of Medical SEO Strategy- What are They?

As a patient, you don’t just pop into the nearest hospital to have your ailments checked. Instead, you look up your symptoms first on the internet, then check for an appropriate hospital, and then finally actually make a visit. This is why, as a medical organization, you cannot just miss out on so many of the potential patients by lagging behind on your SEO. not everybody specifically goes to medical search engines to explore the options that might be available for them. In such a case, you need to get in the game and optimize your website to such an extent that even a novice can spot your website especially since a whopping 58% of web users look for information on medical treatments and procedures online

How an effective SEO campaign for healthcare works is that it ranks higher in SERPs or Search Engine Result Pages on healthcare specific pages to specifically target potential patients. Here are some of the key elements of medical SEO strategy:


Local SEO
Your business should be able to feature on Google’s local pack. That you can do by registering yourself on Google Business with accurate and detailed information. You should make sure that your site is optimized for local area- it should be based on search volumes and keywords.


Technical Markup
Search engines like Google use algorithms that go by the name of crawlers or spiders to read the markup of the site like metadata, alt tags, headers, sitemaps, chema, etc. You should use tools to audit your site’s performance and accordingly optimize page speed and code it for optimal performance on cell phones.


Reporting and Analytics
A marketing program for any website starts with first configuring Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Search Console. This not only makes it easier for us to track and analyse data, but also helps you make a detailed, customized report to determine site’s overall performance.

Citation Management
One should make sure that the practice and its doctors are consistently and accurately listed on the web, all the while cleaning up the outdated data. An important part of SEO is generating backlinks which falls under citation management.

Anywhere you look up SEO, the one suggestion that is highlighted the most is that content is the main determinant to your website's success. Regardless of how hard you try, your website can only succeed in getting traffic if your content is fresh, unique, and most importantly, engaging.


A user’s experience not only helps in optimizing conversions on the site, but also is a ranking factor. The design of the webpage, site’s hierarchy, external/internal linking, etc are determinants to hope your bounce rate and click through rate performs.

SEO marketing is an important part of healthcare. Regardless of what niche you are catering to, you will need search engine optimization to get users to read up about your services and eventually avail them. In today’s world, even dental SEO marketing is essential considering the huge number of people who look up on Google for every service there is.


More info: 10seos

Need Help Identifying Low Quality Pages? Here’s How!

There are many ways by which you can identify if Google thinks that your page is a low quality page or not. There have been experiments where removal of low quality rankings led to an increase in rankings on a lot of stuff. So the challenge that remains is to figure out what actually a low quality page entails and what you can do to identify them.

The first step towards doing the same is to understand what constitutes “quality” for Google.

As any ppc seo services provider would explain to you, Google wants to make sure that that the content you produce is of value and that the content is actually unique. This means that it isn't just words or phrases that need to be different but also the content that needs to be valuable and reference worthy for Google to promote and show it to users who are looking for relevant content.

Google has shown in the past that it likes to see content that has a lot of external sources linked editorially toi the page because this tells them that the page is probably high quality and that it is worth it to reference the page on the SERPs.

And it is not just the sources that must be of high quality, but also the content of the page. There can be external and internal links so that Google interprets that the high quality page that you have linked of your website on a different web page has made your original web page, just as worthy because it is not only linked to a high quality page, but also is one.

There is an interesting point that many tend to miss when it comes to identifying low quality pages. This one, sadly, you can do nothing about. If you type something, click on a certain page, then forget about it and start looking for something else, Google assumes that the query has been satisfied. In this sense, Google starts raising your page’s ranks because it believes that your page has been able to resolve a user’s query and wil help people in future. If they click on the back page, then Google assumes that the page did not successfully resolve the query and is thus a low quality page.

If you haven’t heard about this point before, then have you ever read up on SEO? It is necessary for Google to have pages that have a high quality accessibility with intuitive user experience whose design is compatible on any device including a mobile, desktop, tablet, or a laptop. What you really need is grammatically correct and well spelled content. The tests that were taken before have lead to some interesting revelations like having poor spellings or bad grammar can actually lead to having your featured snippets removed from the SERPs. This tells us that they are constantly analysing the type of information that is provided to us. This is also a reason why Google likes to see the transcript of any video so that it knows that you know what you are talking about and that you are not floozy.

Content that is well organised, easy to consume, and easier to understand is also something that Google likes to see in its web pages. Even if you are an email marketing services provider, someone who has to be in the digital marketing business: you would need a good understanding of what Google, the biggest search engine in the world considers as a high or a low quality page.

More info : 10seos

Some Fascinating Facts About PPC Marketing

In today’s time, pay per click advertising is one of the most powerful marketing tools for any type of business. With ever-evolving online business needs, the popularity of PPC is growing. But sadly, people misinterpret PPC campaigns. In the true sense, a low budget PPC campaign also gets you the desired results. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of some interesting PPC facts that will help you to understand PPC better.

So, let’s get started. Here’re some PPC facts that probably you wouldn’t like to miss out:

  • Google pushes 95% paid search ad clicks on smartphones:

Considering the above fact, the need of the hour is to launch mobile optimize ads through pay per click management companies. This is also a compulsion in this competing world. To beat your competitors, it is highly recommended to make sure that your ads are mobile-optimized in every aspect. Make an earnest attempt to go for mobile-optimized PPC campaigns. If you’re already working towards it, you’re on the right track.

  • Gradual increase in remarketing conversion rates:

There is a high possibility that you might know about the remarketing conversion rates if you an expert of digital marketing. For those who are unfamiliar with this term. Let us explain it to you with a simple example. Remember, searching about a certain product or service on a particular website, and finding it everywhere you go. This is exactly how remarketing works. It helps you to reach out to those users who may not have taken an immediate call for action after visiting your website. With the increasing remarketing ads, Click through Rate on them will gradually decrease. However, your remarketing campaigns will bore fruits if your conversion rate is increasing by time.

We cannot deny the fact that a large ratio of visitors to your website will not affect your conversion rate. Remarketing campaigns serve as a reminder to visitors to finish off their unfinished business. Such campaigns also indirectly establish your brand in the market.

  • Interestingly, more than 50% of people who click on PPC ads approach the advertiser:

Yes you read it right! Taking this into account, it is advisable to have a ‘click to call’ feature on your PPC ads. It promptly enables the visitors clicking on your PPC ads to call you right away. Integrating click to call feature along with your well-planned campaign structure simply implies that you’ll be funding per phone call made to your business.

CTR and CPC are inter-connected: According to a recent study by experts working in top ppc management companies, every 0.1% rise in CTR leads to 0.2 percent drop in CPC. CTR is a crucial element of the Quality Score metric of Goggle for every type of ad.

Here, Goggle follows a simple approach. Abide by the standards of quality control and you’ll be awarded with a decent number of cheaper clicks. Therefore, a higher CTR is equivalent to a lower CPC.

  • Negative keywords are essential, too:

You shouldn’t underestimate the power of negative keywords. For an instance, by employing negative keywords such as free or cheap into your PPC campaign for a particular type of good, you’re attracting the right set of audience to your business. According to a recent finding by top ppc management companies, a mere addition of negative keywords was successful enough to boost up a CTR of 0.97% to 1.33%. This further raised the conversion rate from 1.12% to 1.53%. With the help of negative keywords, you can rightly define your targeted audience.

  • It isn’t necessary to launch an exorbitant PPC campaign:

Many marketers have an opinion that PPC campaigns and pay per click management companies require huge investments. But this doesn’t make any sense in reality. If you’ve been refraining from PPC campaign thinking that it is a costly affair, then it’s time that you start planning it immediately for witnessing drastic results.

Over time, many businesses have made PPC campaigns as an inevitable component of their overall marketing strategy. Ask yourself today, ‘are you putting the required efforts and time in your PPC campaigns?’

Hope you found this article informative. For any suggestion or query, be free to connect with us!

Also Read: Six Ways to Manage Your PPC Campaigns

More info: 10seos

How a little sizing up in lead generation will help your brand to flourish better...

A business requires to be fertile enough to beat the market competition and emerge higher than its competitors. But this only remains a wishful thinking because numerous businesses fail to achieve what they have aimed for. The failure to achieve the goals not only troubles the business but also diminishes its confidence to dust. So, if you're reading this and are wondering what will happen to you when you will start your own business, then it is suggested to you to get in touch with the best lead generation companies already. After all, precaution is better than cure. Let us just see what are all those aspects which benefit tremendously through the effective and best lead generation services. But first let us just see what is lead generation all a deal about.

The business process of alluring and converting cold strangers and prospects into warm and interested individuals into hot customers who make an investment in the products and services of your brand, is what is known as lead generation. Lead generators have different forms to them. They can come in the form of blog posts, coupons, live concerts, online content, job applications and more. Well, it is a rather economical when compared to the other channels of marketing. It helps a business in the following ways:

Price fixation

A business often remains under the cloud of confusion about fixing the price of its products and services. The lead generation services help a business in deciding the price per head of a particular product. The price that gets decided is a balanced one with which both the profit oriented businesses and the money cautious customers can remain satisfied with.

Choice of product/service

At any given point of time if a business thinks that it wants to choose a product over some other product, then it can do so simply by investing in one product over the other. The lead generation agencies manage to predict the number of people who will show interest in the product and thus report the same to the brand. It is all upto the brand from that point and onwards that whether it wants to continue to invest in the product or service or not.

Introduces to the prospect

Lead generation will automatically let the brand know about the choice, needs and preferences of a prospect. This helps a brand a great deal in sizing> the product/service according to the need of the customer. Only after that the team can approach the prospect in a better way.

Costs less comparatively

Every business advertises products and services in order to reach the customers in a stronger way. But when it comes to the lead generation processes, it sits lightly on the brand budget. Lead generation allows the brand to test and then invest in the product. While other forms of advertisements first invests and later gets to know about the benefits associated with the decision.

Thus, through the effective tools and strategies, the top lead generation companies manage to take a business a step higher in the ladder of winning marketing metrics.


An app to get a pundit! What’s next? Online rituals?

Yes you read that right, there is an app to book a Pundit. For those who do not know what a Pundit is- he is a Hindu priest. There are a lot of rituals and customs that require a Pundit. Since everything is done online, Pundits have also joined in the race. There is an app through which you can get a priest for your ceremonies. It is called Get Purohit.

I think it is genius. It includes a directory for Pundits that can be booked. Other than that, it maintains a blog on the various Hindu customs and stories. So, if you are confused as to which ritual to perform, the answer is right there. The blog takes care of the SEO factors. Rituals and customs are a widely searched topics.

If booking a pundit online is viable, I believe rituals will soon be performed online. This is another niche market in the making. No one wants to go anywhere. Today’s consumer wants everything delivered to their doorstep. Even better if it is not even as far as the door step. Don’t you think it is perfect? If you can get all the rituals performed via video calls. A pundit can preside over the ceremonies from his own home. People living abroad do not have to worry about finding a priest to preside over their Grah Pravesh ceremony (Housewarming ceremony). A meeting can be set up with a Pundit living in India and he can chant all the Mantras through a video call.

Let us see how we can make online rituals a feasible business. The future of any new online business depends on these few factors- uniqueness, SEO marketing and ad campaigns.

1. Uniqueness
If your idea is new and unique, you have your campaign outlined for you. The benefit of a new idea is that there are less competitors. The question is to convince the consumers to shift from their set patterns to something different. The ingenuity of the idea is the MO. If you present it right, it will work. In case of online rituals, the selling point is the convenience that it offers. These rituals are elaborate so if there is something to make the process simple, it will attract customers.

2. SEO marketing
An online business can not grow without a powerful SEO campaign. SEO factors are influenced by the keywords, the content of the web page, the tags and description. User testimonials help in building trust. They are an important publicity tool. Endorsements are another important factor to consider for your SEO strategy. If I were to start a web page that caters to online rituals, I would contact a few Pundits to endorse it. SEO campaigns would involve putting up their information, availability, their views on the rituals etc on the web page.

3. Ad campaigns
Ad campaigns can include Google Adwords, Youtube campaigns, Social media publicity and sharing links on other blogs. Google Adword lets you bid for keywords. To make a business successful online, keyword selection plays a major role. The Youtube campaign can include video testimonials, demo videos and a message from a few Pundits. Endorsement from the priests will add authenticity to the campaign. Social media pages and sharing links comes next. The social media pages should convey the idea in an interactive manner.

4. App development
After setting up the online platform, you can develop an app for it. Having an app for a service improves the SEO factors. If the app is easy to navigate, a larger demographic will be able to use it.

More info: 10seos